Brushstrokes Courses

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Why I Chose Art.

I was lucky to be told to ‘choose what you enjoy’ in life and before I knew it, I found myself in Art school. In this blog post, I want to discuss why it is important to maintain skills and practice art.

At 15 years of age, when I did my art homework, I found that I would lose all track of time. Minutes became hours and hours became full days sat in front of a piece of artwork, My breathing would become slower, my mind cleared and I would enter into a calm state of being. I assumed that this time void must mean that I was fully immersed and enjoying what I was doing.

Ever since then, I have witnessed how art has had the same impact on other people, no matter their age, gender, or personal histories, I have worked in rehabilitation services, charities, state schools, Barnardos’ run schools, local franchises, studios and I have run my own course in the local community. I have witnessed first hand how art has a unique ability to bring people: joy, clarity of mind and an immense sense of peace. When students are given a space to switch off from the outside the world, they are able to draw their attention to a skill they enjoy learning,

During the last 10 years I have taught art to both school students and adults alike and I have heard many different reasons as to why someone felt drawn to creating artwork. Some want to turn a hobby into something more, where as some feel they have a creative project to share with the world, but just don’t know where to begin. Whatever the reason we first felt drawn towards that creative calling, or found that pathway to return to art, the first step, is as always, back to the drawing board.

I have set up Brushstrokes.Courses to give students a space to develop key artistic skills, which will feed into their own art practice well after the course finishes. I get great joy from being able to draw from my varied experiences of teaching all ages and all abilities, in order to give others space in which to learn, create and explore. All skill levels are welcome, whether you are new to art, or are already an established artist looking to brush up on your skills. We will all go back to the drawing board and practice art skills and technique together,

I look forward to seeing your work and seeing you on a course. In the meantime, please feel free to contact myself with any questions or queries,
